The beauty benefits of spirulina on the skin, hair and nails

The beauty benefits of spirulina on the skin, hair and nails

A microscopic blue algae naturally very rich in amino acids, proteins and vitamins, spirulina is increasingly used in cosmetics. In what way and how can it become our best beauty ally?

Spirulina, with its multiple nutritional properties, is one of the superfoods of the millennium according to UNESCO and FAO. In addition to its health benefits, this blue and green algae which contains healthy fatty acids and a high level of minerals and vitamins, also works wonders in cosmetic : nails, hair And skin will appreciate. To summarize, spirulina is a natural and ecological way to take care of your inner health, with visible results on the outside: a godsend.

Use Spirulina for Stronger Nails

The quantity and variety of minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) and vitamins (notably A and B12) present in spirulina are essential for nourishing hair and nails and make them grow more shiny And strong. Striated nails in particular easily regain their strength thanks to spirulina.

Organic spirulina benefits

Spirulina is a real beauty asset for nails © forma82

Added to shampoos and conditioners for external use, spirulina stimulates hair growth and strengthens them, especially thanks to essential fatty acids and beta-carotene, in addition to all the minerals and vitamins it provides. To make the most of these benefits, it is recommended to consume spirulina both orally and topically.

A solution against hair loss

Rich in iron and copper with an average of 28.5 mg of iron and 6.1 mg of copper per 100 g, spirulina is indicated to prevent hair lossalso for facilitate regrowth new hair.

organic spirulina benefits

Spirulina for beautiful hair © VGstockstudio

With spirulina, no more dandruff

There Spirulina acts as an antioxidant. It helps strengthen the metabolism and ensures a healthier scalp and therefore hair completely free of dandruff, after a simple four-week treatment.

Spirulina: a natural tonic

Free radicals are the main cause of tired, saggy and dull skin. There regular consumption of spirulina supports our metabolism and helps it to eliminate all impurities as well as restore elasticity and tone to the skin. The facial skin becomes less oily and the essential vitamins, for their part, will make it more luminous.

spirulina beauty benefits

In tablet or powder, spirulina has cosmetic virtues© YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV

It is entirely possible to make spirulina masks in powder to nourish, cleanse the skin and more generally to benefit from all its benefits on the skin.

For fewer wrinkles and expression lines

As we have seen, spirulina helps to improve skin elasticity both as a mask and consumed orally. It also contains tyrosine, vitamin E and selenium, components present in many anti-aging creams and treatments for their ability to slow down cell aging.

Spirulina facial beauty mask

To make a mask, simply mix several spirulina capsules in a little water and vegetable oil. Apply the preparation to the face and leave to act for 20 minutes before removing with lukewarm water. This mask will deeply cleanse the skin and prevent signs of aging.

Eliminate dark circles

Spirulina strengthens the immune system, which naturally strengthens the skin and improves the epidermis' response to skin irritation and dryness problems. Furthermore, its effect decongestive reduces eye swelling.

organic spirulina virtues

Spirulina in your beauty routine © New Africa

Natural acne treatment

There spirulina contains a lot of chlorophyllwhich helps eliminate bacteria and to eradicate toxins responsible for acne. In addition, it boosts the healing and the production of new healthy cells to make the skin softer and smoother.

Beauty recipe
Morning green juice with spirulina

Detoxifying treatment with spirulina

To take good care of yourself, it is essential to purify your body. There Spirulina contributes to the elimination of heavy metals and toxins, which results in brighter and smoother skin, healthy eyes and a balanced weight. Spirulina also promotes cell renewal, stimulates metabolism and prevents the accumulation of bacteria and other harmful substances.

Please note that only provides general information and advice here. For personalized advice, you should consult a specialist or doctor.

Article updated

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