The revolutionary impact of interactive videos on health: from physical well-being to mental health

santé mentale

An exploration of recent advances and concrete cases in the world of health.

A contribution Naïma Raisse, responsible for development & partnership at Swytouch, expert member of the “Women in Health” Collective.

The integration of digital technologies in the field of health has marked a decisive turning point in the way in which care is provided and perceived.

Among the most significant innovations of recent years, interactive videos stand out for their ability to transform the experience of care and health education.

In France, the adoption of this digital tool by the general public is impressive: three out of four French people use video for personal or professional purposes, and a majority admit to having already used interactive videos.

The impact of these technologies goes far beyond simple entertainment; they are particularly useful in crucial areas such as health and education.

According to a recent study, 79% of respondents believe that interactive videos are particularly beneficial in the healthcare sector, while 73% value them in education and training.1.

These figures demonstrate a paradigm shift where the patient, traditionally passive, becomes an active and informed actor in their own health.

Interactive videos provide a dynamic and engaging platform for health education, allowing users to ask questions, receive personalized responses, and explore scenarios tailored to their situation.

An informed patient is a patient involved in their health and their care.

This level of interactivity enriches the learning experience, strengthens patient involvement in their care and opens new avenues for raising public awareness of public health campaigns, including mental health.

The rise of digital technologies and interactive videos in the field of health opens up promising prospects for the management of chronic diseases and mental well-being. These digital tools, acclaimed for their ability to engage and educate patients in a dynamic way, are the subject of in-depth research aimed at assessing their real impact on health management.

Understanding and Managing Chronic Diseases: Case Study

The recent study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research in 2023 highlights the importance and effectiveness of video-based educational tools for patients suffering from chronic illnesses. Analyzing 59 studies through October 2021, covering conditions such as lung disease, diabetes and heart failure, they reveal a positive trend in the impact of these video resources on improving patient knowledge about their illness.

With approximately 75% of studies indicating significant improvement in patient knowledge through videos, and more than half reporting improvements in health behaviors and self-efficacy, this research highlights the value of interactive video tools as a means of information and support for people with chronic illnesses.

These tools are not limited to improving medical knowledge; They also serve as a link to other forms of support, providing patient testimonials, information about support groups and health services, and offering advice for managing personal relationships despite illness.

This multimodal approach enriches the management of chronic diseases, by offering an accessible and engaging resource for patients.

In summary, the study confirms the effectiveness of interactive educational videos as a valuable support tool, promoting better management of chronic diseases through improved knowledge, health behaviors and patient self-efficacy.

Interactive videos and mental health: reduction in depression and anxiety?

Recent research carried out in South Korea and published in renowned scientific journals such as PubMed and Frontiers in Psychology highlights the significant benefits of interactive videos on mental health, particularly among vulnerable or socially isolated populations.

The study focuses on single mothers with young children, a population facing considerable socioeconomic and psychological challenges.

Using real-time interactive videos within a wellness program has demonstrated significant improvements in mental health, including reduced depression, reduced parenting stress and increased esteem self.

These results highlight the importance of innovative and accessible tools to improve the mental health of socially and psychologically marginalized individuals.

Furthermore, the article from Frontiers in Psychology expands this perspective by examining the effect of social interactivity via live video experiences on chronic loneliness, anxiety, and positive and negative affect.

It concludes that these experiences can effectively reduce loneliness and the perception of social threat, while improving connectivity and positive affect in participants.

Interactive videos transcend the simple framework of patient engagement to become a pillar in health communication. They offer unprecedented opportunities for better understanding, self-management of illnesses, and meaningful support in the field of mental health.

These advances, supported by data and concrete use cases, illustrate the extent of the impact of interactive videos and its health potential.

Also read: 6 ways to improve your mental health and become more efficient


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